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WATCH FIRST: Welcome & Introduction
All editable guided notes in a single file
Module 1: The Big Picture
Lesson 1: The Reading Wars (7:24)
Lesson 2: What is "The Science of Reading?" (13:30)
Lesson 3: Important Models of Reading (6:11)
Lesson 4: How the Brain Learns to Read (3:50)
Lesson 5: Orthographic Mapping (9:03)
Lesson 6: The Difference Between Balanced & Structured Literacy (5:11)
Module 2: The Science of Learning
Lesson 1: Cognitive Load Theory (3:49)
Lesson 2: Explicit Instruction (5:26)
Lesson 3: Increase Response Opportunities (6:06)
Lesson 4: Provide Feedback & Scaffolding (25:52)
Lesson 5: Retrieval Practice (6:04)
Module 3: Oral Language
Lesson 1: The 5 Oral Language Domains (1:59)
QUIZ: What's the Domain?
Lesson 2: Rethinking "Shared Reading" (12:00)
Lesson 3: Scaffolding Oral Language (5:03)
Lesson 4: Making Read-Alouds Interactive (32:44)
BONUS: Helping English Language Learners Build Oral Language
Module 4: Phonemic Awareness
Lesson 1: Phonological & Phonemic Awareness (3:52)
Lesson 2: Understanding Phonemes (7:49)
QUIZ: Counting Phonemes
Lesson 3: Sound Walls (7:21)
Lesson 4: Teaching Phonemic Awareness (17:04)
BONUS: Helping English Language Learners Build Phonemic Awareness
Module 5: Phonics
Lesson 1: Phonics: Why All the Controversy? (4:41)
Lesson 2: All About Graphemes (9:39)
QUIZ: Identifying Graphemes
Lesson 3: The Structure of an Explicit Phonics Lesson (44:24)
Lesson 4: Using Decodable Text (16:42)
Lesson 5: Teaching High Frequency Words (16:41)
Lesson 6: Teaching Multisyllable Word Reading (37:38)
Lesson 7: Teaching Spelling (8:54)
Lesson 8: Print to Speech vs. Speech to Print (28:49)
BONUS: Teaching Phonics to English Language Learners
BONUS MODULE: Morphology
Lesson 1: Introduction to Morphology (5:00)
Lesson 2: Defining Key Terms (7:01)
Lesson 3: Key Understandings about the English Language (4:03)
Lesson 4: Word Sums & Word Matrices (27:38)
Lesson 5: When and How to Get Started with Morphology (7:19)
Module 6: Fluency
Lesson 1: What is Fluency? (9:09)
Lesson 2: Building Fluency at the Word Level (25:57)
Lesson 3: Building Fluency at the Text Level (54:39)
BONUS: Helping English Language Learners Build Fluency
Module 7: Vocabulary
Lesson 1: How to Choose Words for Vocabulary Instruction (7:36)
Lesson 2: Teaching Vocabulary Words in Depth (14:42)
Lesson 3: Teaching Students to Use Context Clues to Understand Vocabulary (27:58)
BONUS: Teaching Vocabulary to English Language Learners
Module 8: Comprehension
Lesson 1: What is Comprehension? (1:36)
Lesson 2: Building Background Knowledge
Lesson 3: A Quick Review of Grammar & Syntax (13:51)
Lesson 4: Teaching Sentence Comprehension (45:31)
Lesson 5: Comprehension Strategies (50:26)
Lesson 6: A Comprehension Planning Guide
Module 8: QUIZ
BONUS: Building Comprehension in English Language Learners
Module 9: Linking Reading & Writing
Lesson 1: Teaching Handwriting
Lesson 2: Scaffolding Early Spelling
Lesson 3: Teaching Sentence & Paragraph Writing (6:46)
Lesson 4: Responding to Text Through Writing (19:14)
Module 10: Dyslexia
Lesson 1: What is Dyslexia? (3:45)
Lesson 2: Prevention vs. Diagnosis (4:00)
Lesson 3: Pursuing a Dyslexia Diagnosis (4:26)
Lesson 4: Teaching Students with Dyslexia (4:03)
Module 11: Using MTSS to Reach All Readers
Lesson 1: What is MTSS? (5:45)
Lesson 2: A School-Wide Assessment System (27:19)
Lesson 3: Three Tiers of Instruction (8:04)
Lesson 4: Data-Based Decision Making (15:12)
Lesson 5: Designing Interventions
Lesson 6: How to Differentiate Phonics Instruction (9:46)
Lesson 7: Managing Literacy Centers (7:09)
Lesson 8: Planning the Reading Block (3:49)
Lesson 9: Selecting Programs (10:13)
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Lesson 1: Introduction to Morphology
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